Autoit Help File Tieng Viet

I'm having a problem creating a 64 bit exe using Aut2Exe. I'm running on a Windows 7 64 bit PC and OS. If I compile my test script using a right click on the test script I can successfully create a 32 bit or a 64 bit exe. Bandicam Zip Download. I can easily check this by looking at the properties of the exe, compatibility settings where, for the 64 bit exe compatibility settings 'below' Vista are not available whereas, for the 32 bit exe they are.

A dictionary using json files as database. HTML 1 minichess. A chess game running on Windows by vietanhdev. Line98 written in AutoIT language by vietanhdev. A chatbot implement using websocket for communicating between server-client and rivescript for AI.

If I compile using Aut2Exe (running it from a non-compiled au3 script) then, using the method above, both the 32 bit and 64 bit builds appear to actually be 32 bit exes. The file, MakeTest.au3 is attached. 260bytes 2 downloads If I try to do the same build using the command line input for Aut2Exe I can build the 32 bit version OK but the 64 bit build returns the error 'Unable to read in AutoIt stub file. Surely it should be looking for AutItSC_x64.bin if I use the /x64 switch shouldn't it?

If I try to run Aut2exe_x64 from the command line I get the 'not recognised as an internal or external command' message. However, double clicking on Aut2exe_x64 and using the UI that's displayed I do get a 64 bit version built. I'm very confused - I really need to use a script to compile both 32 and 64 bit versions as the whole thing is part of an automatically built installation 'application'. Can anyone make sense of it for me or ami I just being stupid? I am near to start a big software project, I have worked with Autoit for 4 years and have done some great programs but I have never had like a structured way to do it, I just started to write the code and just that.

Autoit Help File Tieng Viet

I am not a software engineer, in fact I study Business Administration, but writing software is my passion, and I want to improve the way I do it. So my question to you the Software Engineers (or software geniouses) is what recomendations can you give me to maintain a big project, I mean: How to keep track of the code What should I do first (core, UI, for parts.) Which software do you use to do each thing. How is your developing enviroment Any suggestions. I hope others like me, who didn't study software developing careers can learn here, the things that we should know. Hello everyone. After doing alot of searching, and alot of testing with no success I came to you guys for help.

I have found a multi-level pointer which is the base address to a HP value in my game. The confusion I am having is what exactly do I have to do to convert, lets say; 41EE530c into the '0x000' hex format needed to insert it into _MemoryPointerRead.

Here is a snippet of a very simple code so you have a better idea of what I'm talking about; $memopen = _MemoryOpen($pid) $BaseAddress = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($memopen,1) Global $hpoffset = 0x1f4; HP Offset $staticoffset = 0x41EE530c $finaladdr = '0x' & Hex($BaseAddress + $staticoffset) $hp_value = _MemoryPointerRead($finaladdr,$memopen,$hpoffset) MsgBox(0,'Test','PID =' & $pid) As you can see that format is not right for NomadMemory to read it. In other people's example's they have something like 0x013B0000. As you can tell from this snippet I lazily tried adding 0x in front of the first level pointer I found 41EE530C and of course It did not work. I read somewhere that someone used Calc.exe to get the hex conversion but I couldn't find any other information on that. I would take any help! Good day, I happen to find myself some virus like script named trojan-dropper.win32. Modest Mouse Building Nothing Out Of Something Zip there. autoit From what I've found on the net, it's a script written on autoit.

The problem is that my computer is not infected by it, however every couple of hours my antivirus finds some infected files on my external hdd like calculator.exe and others which he deletes. So my question is how can I trace the origin of the script that creates these files, and how to trace the origin of the place this script starts from. Thanks is advance.

My AutoIt script worked as long as I used it via command line. There I could use $CmdLine[1] and pass a path as argument. Now I try to convert the script to a new method to avoid command line arguments. You open an Explorer Window and select a file e.g C: test.txt.

After that you trigger the AutoIt function with CTRL+ WIN+ C. The script should look what file is selected in the active Explorer Window and retrieve the path C: test.txt and assign it to $file variable.

This is my work-in-progress where I'm stuck. CMDLINE[1] has nothing to do with what you want. If you want to activate your script by hotkey AFTER manually selecting the file in Windows Explorer, you need to examine the Explorer window itself.